Merbau is a very popular hardwood used for most decking and screening projects across Australia. It is a timber that is vibrant in its reddish – brown colour and has exceptional durability. The timber does have resinous properties that you should be aware of before choosing this profile, the resin can run off the timber and stain concrete footings. We recommend asking us about our additional staining service so we can supply the panels sealed to avoid any resin leaching out. Staining over the Merbau will also help protect the timber and enhance the durability of the product.
- The panels we make are made from 70mm X 19mm Solid Merbau
- We have backing supports spaced at approx. every 500mm centres to ensure that the panels don’t twist. If you build a screening section and leave too wide distance between supports then you run the risk of having the panels warp.
- There is a standard gap of approx.. 7mm between slats making the screen both pool compliant and REScode compliant
- When constructing the panels we use 32mm Galvanised screws 2 in each join so the panel is firmly secure and is set to last 20- 25 years.
These screens are a perfect way to
- Screen Off Any Unsightly Fences, Water Tanks, Pool Filters Or Sheds
- Provide A More Stylish Alternative To Traditional Paling Or Colour Bond Fences
- Provide Your Home With More Privacy From Neighbours And Security From Strangers
- Screen Around Pools In A Safe And Secure Manner.
- Screen Off Your Front Fence To Give A More Modern Appearance
- Screen In Between Brick Pillars In Your Front Or Side Fence
- Create A Side Or Front Gate As They Can Be Directly Mounted Onto A Steel Frame
- Create A Feature Wall For Your Backyard